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💡 To see more details about available component properties go to Extractor or you can see a full implementation at Playground.

We have two use cases for this library that has different approaches to each other. First case is used when you are running app and get file path that you want to extract data, using another libary, like react-native-document-picker and sends the received path to component.

import { Extractor, Patterns } from 'react-native-pdf-extractor';

// Some code snippets was be hidden for readability

const callback = (data: Transient) => {
// Your implementation here
duration: '40ms', <-----------------------------: Time spent to match
isEncrypted: false, <---------------------------: Was file encrypted?
pages: 2, <-------------------------------------: File number of pages
patterns: ['(/\S+@\w+\.\w+)/g'], <--------------: List of used patterns
text: [''], <----------------------: List of found matches on file
uri: 'content://some-file-path.pdf' <-----------: File path

return (
<Extractor onResult={callback} patterns={Patterns.Common.Email} uri={uri} />

The second case is applicable when the app receives an Android Intent Action with the file path, in this case the library extracts the path behind the scene and than trigger data extraction. You can see more about it on Intent | Android developers.

import { Extractor, Patterns } from 'react-native-pdf-extractor';

// Some code snippets was be hidden for readability

const callback = (data: Transient) => {
// Your implementation here
duration: '40ms', <-----------------------------: Time spent to match
isEncrypted: false, <---------------------------: Was file encrypted?
pages: 2, <-------------------------------------: File number of pages
patterns: ['(/\S+@\w+\.\w+)/g'], <--------------: List of used patterns
text: [''], <----------------------: List of found matches on file
uri: 'content://some-file-path.pdf' <-----------: File path

return (
fromIntent // <-------------------------------------: Try get uri from intent provider (android only)


To show a modal with password input when file is encrypted we use react-native-modal, to install that, run:

yarn add react-native-modal